
Pearland Pediatrics Vaccine Policy Statement

  • We firmly believe in the effectiveness of vaccines to prevent serious illness and to save lives.
  • We firmly believe in the safety of vaccines.
  • We firmly believe that all children and young adults should receive all of the recommended vaccines according to the schedule published by the Centers for Disease Control and the American Academy of Pediatrics.
  • We believe that vaccines are undeniably the most important public health intervention of the 20th century. They are also one of the most important health-promoting interventions we perform as health care providers, and that you can perform as parents or caregivers.
  • We believe that the recommended vaccines and their administration schedule are the results of years and years of scientific study and research, with data gathered on millions of children by thousands of our brightest scientists and physicians. Thanks to this research, we now know that vaccines do not cause autism or other developmental disabilities.

It is our policy to vaccinate infants, children, and adolescents according to the recommended immunization schedule set forth by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Centers for Disease Control. We do not follow "alternative schedules" as this goes against our expert recommendations and could put your child at risk for serious illness. All patients in the practice are REQUIRED to receive all the recommended doses of vaccines and they must be up to date by their next well visit according to the American Academy of Pediatrics schedule. If you do not follow these recommendations and choose NOT to vaccinate your child, then we will ask you to find another health care provider who shares your views.

Our priority is the health and wellbeing of our patients. We feel it is important to us as physicians that we maintain safe facilities for all of our patients, including our most vulnerable patients, such as infants who have not yet had the full range of vaccinations, immunocompromised children such as those with complex heart disease, sickle cell anemia, cancer, autoimmune disorders, or other conditions that require medications to decrease their immune system.

Should you have questions, concerns, or doubts about immunizations, we encourage you to discuss your concerns with us.

Pearland Pediatrics Immunization Schedule
Immunization Birth (at hospital) 1 month 2 months 4 months 6 months 9 months 12 months 15 months 18 months 4 years 11 years 16 years
Hepatitis B (Hep B) Hep B #1 Hep B #2     Hep B #3              
Diptheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (DTaP)     DTaP #1 DTaP #2 DTaP #3     DTaP #4   DTaP #5    
Haemophilus influenzae (Hib)     Hib #1 Hib #2 Hib #3     Hib #4        
Inactivated Polio (IPV)     IPV #1 IPV #2   IPV #3       IPV #4    
Pneumococcal (PCV)     PCV #1 PCV #2 PCV #3     PCV #4        
Rotavirus (Rota)     Rota #1 Rota #2 Rota #3              
Hepatitis A (Hep A)             Hep A #1   Hep A #2      
Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)             MMR #1     MMR #2    
Varicella (Var)             Var #1     Var #2    
Tetanus, diphtheria, Pertussis (TDaP)                     TDaP #1  
Meningococcal Meningitis A                     Meningitis A 
Meningitis A  #2
Meningitis B                        Meningitis B #1**
Human papillomavirus (HPV)                     2 doses after age 11* 3 doses if series not completed
*HPV-if series is not started before age 15, 3 doses are required.
**Meningitis B #2 given 1 month later

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Office Hours


8:10 am-5:00 pm


8:10 am-5:00 pm


8:10 am-5:00 pm


8:10 am-5:00 pm


8:10 am-5:00 pm


Beginning at 9:00 AM (Acute Illness Only By Appointment)

